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Elevate Your Experience: How To Use Our Krysalis Elixirs

Elevate Your Experience: How To Use Our Krysalis Elixirs

Elevate Your Experience: How To Use Our Krysalis Elixirs 

If you’re reading this then that means you either purchased our elixirs or are wondering if the elixirs are right for you (Either of these excite us more than anything! Thank you!) We know that the word elixir and the delivery system of our elixirs is a bit new to the world of plant-based supplementation and daily microdosing. We thought we would break down the best way to take our elixirs to ensure that you get the full benefits. (Stay until the end for a bonus tip on how to take our elixirs!)

As you probably know by now, our elixirs feature a concentrated herbal extract derived from the Sceletium tortuosum plant, providing a unique and potent way to experience the benefits of kanna. Known for its potential mood-enhancing and anxiety-reducing effects, Krysalis elixirs are designed to be taken sublingually for optimal absorption and efficacy. 

What You'll Need:

  • Krysalis Kanna Elixir bottle
  • Clean spoon or our spatula (optional)
  • Timer or clock

Steps for Taking Krysalis Kanna Elixirs:

  1. Start with a Small Dose: It's recommended to begin with a conservative dosage to gauge your body's response to the elixir. A typical starting dose is 1 pump but sometimes people start with 2 depending on a variety of factors such as weight, metabolism, and familiarity with plant-based supplementation.
  2. Sublingual Administration: Sublingual administration involves placing the elixir under your tongue to allow for direct absorption through the mucosal membranes. Follow these easy steps!
  3. Pump one or two pumps onto your finger or spatula provided.
  4. Open your mouth and touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
  5. Gently place the product behind your teeth and your tongue.
  6. Hold Under the Tongue: Allow the elixir to sit under your tongue without swallowing immediately. This is a super important step for absorption! The sublingual absorption process usually takes around 30-60 seconds, but you can hold it longer if you prefer.
  7. Avoid Swallowing or Talking: While the elixir is under your tongue, avoid swallowing, talking, or moving your tongue excessively. This ensures that the elixir has enough time to be absorbed into the bloodstream.  Note we recommend using this time to set an intention for how you want to feel or how you want to shift your moment.  See our how to set an intention video for guidance: How To Set An Intention
  8. Swallow: Once you've held the elixir under your tongue for the desired duration, you can swallow it.
  9. Note the Effects: After consuming the elixir, pay attention to how your body responds over the next 15-20 minutes and try to stay present (our playlists and guided meditations really help with this!) The elixir effects will vary from person to person and we do like to emphasize that no two experiences will be the same. Our users may notice mood enhancement, focus, relaxation, or reduced anxiety along with possible appetite suppression and feelings of tranquility.
  10. Adjust Dosage as Needed: If you're not experiencing the desired effects, you can gradually increase the dosage in small increments (one pump at a time) as well as increase the frequency of the dosage (every 3 hours or so). Allow some time between dosages to observe how your body responds before making any further adjustments.


  • Consistency is Key: To fully experience the potential benefits of our elixirs, it's important to incorporate it into a consistent routine. Daily use over a period of time may yield more noticeable effects as your body begins to acclimate to kanna.
  • Consult a Professional: Before incorporating any herbal supplement into your routine, it's wise to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you're taking medications or have underlying health conditions.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking water before and after taking the elixir can help with the absorption process. A small bite before taking may also help some users who have slightly more sensitive stomachs.

Did you know that our elixirs also work incredibly well in your warm beverages? Adding one or two pumps to your matcha latte or coffee can introduce a unique twist to your daily beverage ritual. The subtle earthy notes of kanna harmonize with the rich flavors of matcha or coffee, creating a balanced and invigorating experience. Beyond its distinctive taste, kanna may contribute a gentle uplift in mood and relaxation, complementing the energy boost from caffeine. Blending our elixirs into your beverage not only offers a flavorful departure from the ordinary but also invites a moment of tranquility and mental clarity amidst the hustle of modern life and a new twist to your morning routine.

Incorporating our elixirs into your daily wellness routine can be a mindful and enjoyable experience to enhance your daily living. Remember that individual responses can vary, so start low and go slow as you explore the potential benefits of this unique herbal elixir. We are here to help answer any questions you may have - simply email us at 


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