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Kanna vs. Cannabis: Exploring the Benefits of Kanna-Derived Products For Stress Relief

Kanna vs. Cannabis: Exploring the Benefits of Kanna-Derived Products For Stress Relief

Kanna vs. Cannabis


In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in the use of natural plant-based remedies for treating various health conditions, including relieving anxiety and promoting general wellbeing. As a result, many individuals have turned to cannabis-derived products like CBD oil for relief. However, another lesser-known plant (and in our humble opinion, a better option) that deserves attention for its potential anxiety decreasing properties is kanna (Sceletium tortuosum). But before we give you a quick rundown on how kanna and anxiety play nicely together, let’s first explain what kanna is!

What is Kanna?

Kanna is a succulent plant native to South Africa, where it has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes for its mood-enhancing and stress-relieving properties. The plant contains a variety of alkaloids, the most notable of which are mesembrine, mesembrenone, mesembrenol, and tortuosamine. These alkaloids are thought to be responsible for kanna's therapeutic effects, which include reducing anxiety, elevating mood, and promoting relaxation, aka - it makes you feel more at ease.

Kanna's Benefits for Anxiety Relief

Several scientific studies have been conducted to investigate the potential effects of kanna and while more research is currently in the works to fully understand its mechanisms and long-term effects, the existing evidence so far proves that kanna is a promising alternative to traditional anxiety medications and cannabis-derived products.

Here’s How:

  1. Serotonin Reuptake Inhibition

One of the primary ways in which kanna is thought to alleviate anxiety is through its action as a natural selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). SSRIs are a class of medications commonly prescribed for anxiety and depression, as they work by increasing the levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation, in the brain.

By inhibiting the re-uptake of serotonin, kanna allows for higher levels of this neurotransmitter to remain available in the brain, which can help to improve mood and reduce anxiety. Unlike pharmaceutical SSRIs, which often come with a range of side effects, kanna is thought to have fewer adverse effects, making it an attractive option for those seeking a more natural approach to anxiety management.

  1. PDE4 Inhibition

In addition to its SSRI-like properties, kanna has also been found to inhibit the enzyme phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4). PDE4 inhibitors have been shown to have potential anxiety decreasing and antidepressant effects, as they work by increasing the levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in the brain, a molecule that plays a crucial role in various cellular processes, including neurotransmission.

By inhibiting PDE4, kanna can help to enhance the signaling of neurotransmitters like serotonin, further contributing to its anxiety-relieving effects.

  1. Stress Reduction and Adaptogenic Properties

Kanna is also believed to possess adaptogenic properties, meaning it can help the body better adapt to and cope with stress. By modulating the body's stress response, kanna can help to alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of calm and balance.

Kanna vs. Cannabis-Derived Products for Anxiety Relief

While both kanna and cannabis-derived products like CBD oil have been touted for their potential anxiety decreasing effects, there are several reasons why some individuals may prefer to use kanna over cannabis for anxiety relief.

  1. Legal Status

One of the primary advantages of kanna over cannabis is its legal status. While the legality of cannabis and its derivatives varies by country and state, kanna is generally considered to be legal in most jurisdictions. This makes it a more accessible option for those seeking a natural remedy for anxiety that does not come with the legal complications associated with cannabis use. You can travel with it without worry!

  1. Mild Psychoactive Effects

Unlike cannabis, kanna does not make you feel high.  The psychoactive effects like improved mood and relaxed feel are mild but noticeable and will not make you intoxicated. While CBD, a compound found in cannabis with similar mild effects, has gained popularity for helping with anxiety, other compounds in cannabis, like THC, can produce unwanted psychoactive effects that may exacerbate anxiety in some individuals or cause other unwanted feelings such as hunger, paranoia and slower muscle reactivity.

Kanna, on the other hand, offers anxiety-relieving benefits without the risk of psychoactive effects, making it a more appealing option for those looking to get on with their day while simultaneously seeking a clear-headed and focused approach to anxiety management.

  1. Fewer Drug Interactions

Cannabis-derived products, particularly those containing CBD, have been found to interact with a variety of medications, potentially altering their efficacy or causing adverse effects. Currently, Kanna is thought to have fewer drug interactions, making it a potentially safer option for those who are already taking other medications for anxiety or other health conditions. (Of course we always recommend checking with your doctor first before mixing medications and kanna).

How to Incorporate Kanna into Your Daily Routine

If you're interested in trying kanna for anxiety relief in a fast, efficient and easy way, check out our elixirs here.

Here to help you have a better moment, hour and day!

-Team Krysalis

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