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Just Chill Out: 10 Amazing Ways to Find Your Zen

Just Chill Out: 10 Amazing Ways to Find Your Zen


In today's fast-paced world, It’s so important to give our busy, often anxious mind a break and tap into your creative and emotional side.  We’re better able to solve problems, and deal with life when we’ve given ourselves the break we need.

Whether you're dealing with a stressful workday, a never-ending to-do list, or simply need some relaxation in your life, we've got you covered. There are numerous activities that can help you tap into your intuitive and emotional brain, allowing you to disconnect from the incessant noise of your rational mind. We move from beta brainwaves to alpha and gamma brain waves when we’re in a more creative state - more similar to the brain of a young child.  Kanna, with its mood-enhancing properties, can serve as a potent tool to help quiet your rational mind, making it easier to tap into your intuitive and emotional brain during various mindfulness activities.


Here are the 10 best ways to chill out mindfully and bring a sense of calm and tranquility to your life:

  1. Cook Up an Anti-Inflammatory Feast:

Now, let's combine relaxation and nutrition. Cooking can be a therapeutic activity, and preparing an anti-inflammatory recipe is a great choice for your health. Here's a delicious recipe to try:


Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Chickpea Curry


  • 1 cup dried chickpeas (or 2 cans of chickpeas)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1-inch piece of fresh ginger, grated
  • 1 tablespoon ground turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder (adjust to taste)
  • 1 can (14 oz) diced tomatoes
  • 1 can (14 oz) coconut milk
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh cilantro leaves for garnish
  • Cooked rice or naan bread for serving


  • If using dried chickpeas, soak them overnight, then cook until tender. If using canned chickpeas, drain and rinse them.
  • In a large skillet or pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion, garlic, and ginger. Sauté until the onion becomes translucent.
  • Add the turmeric, cumin, coriander, and chili powder. Stir well and cook for a minute or two until the spices become fragrant.
  • Add the diced tomatoes and chickpeas. Stir to combine.
  • Pour in the coconut milk and season with salt and pepper. Simmer for 10-15 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld.
  • Serve the turmeric chickpea curry over rice or with naan bread. Garnish with fresh cilantro leaves.

    2.  Embark On A Nature Retreat: Nature has a magical way of calming our souls. Spend time outdoors, go for a hike, or just sit by a lake and let nature work its wonders.

    3.  Engage In Some Art Therapy: Get creative and unleash your inner artist. Whether you're painting, drawing, or crafting, artistic expression is a fantastic way to relax.

    4.  Enjoy A Reading Escapade: Dive into a good book and let your imagination take flight. Reading not only distracts you from stress but also transports you to different worlds - be sure to pick a subject that taps into your passions/interests. We currently love Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before By Dr. Julie Smith.

    5.  Take On Journaling: Journaling offers a therapeutic outlet to express your inner thoughts and feelings, allowing you to access your emotional and intuitive mind in a reflective and non-judgmental way. By putting your thoughts on paper, journaling can help you gain clarity, process emotions, and discover insights that may have been buried beneath the surface of your rational mind.

    6.  Practice Mindfulness Exercises: Incorporate mindfulness techniques like meditation and body scans into your daily routine to stay present and reduce stress.

    7.  Explore Tai Chi: This gentle martial art combines movement and meditation, promoting harmony between the mind and body.

    8.  Try Some Breathwork: Various breathing exercises, like the 4-7-8 technique, can help calm your nervous system and connect with your inner emotions.

    9.  Dive Into Dancing: Dance offers a unique way to express yourself emotionally and intuitively, allowing for self-discovery through movement.

    10.  Experiment With Holistic Therapies: Explore holistic practices like acupuncture, reiki, or aromatherapy to balance your energy and encourage emotional healing.

PS- Secret Weapon: Ah, here's the secret weapon we promised! Our Just Chill'n Elixir is a natural, botanical blend designed to promote relaxation and calmness. Just one or two pumps can help you find your zen, and enhance one of the 10 activities above, no matter where you are. Set an intention before diving in, and let it guide you into a state of major chilled out mode.


In a world that seems to be moving faster every day, it's crucial to take a step back, find your inner peace, and simply chill out. Whether you choose to meditate, immerse yourself in nature, or indulge in Just Chill’n elixir, remember that self-care is a priority, not a luxury.

So, go ahead and try these ten amazing ways to chill out and set your intention with Just Chill’n. Your mind and body will thank you for it as you journey toward a more relaxed and balanced life. Cheers to a calmer you!


Team Krys

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